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Articles written by Felix Giannini FPE, CPP...

Business Hazard ID – What’s the point?

Why would anyone want to spend their precious business time on problems that only happen in bad dreams? Businesses today must stay focused on their profit centers or they will fail. Any activity that deviates from profitability better either be required by law, or have a good reason for the expenditure. Most business have insurance, alarms and some form of data back-up. Do these statements sound familiar? The answer is yes for most businesses.  READ MORE >


Emergencies, Disasters, Crisis and Catastrophes

Emergencies, Disasters, Crisis and Catastrophes: know the difference between these terms. Emergencies require immediate attention, examples are: a local crime spree, nearby forest fire, floods from any source, power failures, accidents, supplier failures, loss of key employees – they are very localized, and with immediate potential for further damage or loss if left unchecked or unresolved.  READ MORE >

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